Alexander Mikhaylovich Ovechkin (age 22) was born September 17, 1985 in Moscow. He is a Russian younger star hockey player for the Washington Capitals from the National Hockey League. Ovechkin is the highest paid NHL player ever, signing contract extension worth $124 million with the Capitals, the first time in NHL history. Alexander lives in Virginia now. Imege Author User:Buchanan-Hermit was add to Flickr (c) from
From Russia gossip News.
Alexander Ovechkina in love with former wife Vladimir Presnjakov.
March, 26 on the occasion of homecoming the winner of "Eurovision - 2008" Dima Bilan in Moscow the closed party was held. To congratulate a triumpher those who is more strong than others there came held fists for the Russian combined team. Among them there was a world champion on hockey Alexander Ovechkin - he has appeared on a party with the new girlfriend, the designer and Lena Lenskaya former wife Presnyakov.
Ovechkin is Star NHL, the world champion, the owner of every possible titles and simply a handsome man Alexander Ovechkin has come on an invited buffet table one of the first and has on the spot joined missing Anton Siharulidze. Having refueled a glass a drink, sportsmen have started to discuss last gossips of "Eurovision". Russian bogatyrs long argued, what from girls of competition was lovelier, ruddier than all and is more white. And here their tastes be dispatched.
- You will be disappointed by the greek woman, - ascertained the fact the Belgrad informer, - at her such opposite squeaky voice.
- Well, she not for conversations is necessary for him, - deputy Siharulidze has summed up to all.
But how the Greek beauty, a choice involved Ovechkin the he all the same has stopped on Russian. The 22-years hockey player has carried out all evening in the company of Lena Lenskaya.
Lena, former spouse Vladimir Presnjakova, - the talented designer, whose authorship posesses suits of "musketeers" on "Eurovision". Elena Fine was would like to communicate to one of the most highly paid hockey players of league and on compliments has not stinted. On assurances of close friends Ovechkina, this pair any more the first week is connected with romantic relations.
- You, certainly, good fellows, I looked a match and very much experienced, - Lena told. - Well and you, Alex, were, as always, at height!
Ovechkin and Lenskaya have left a party together at night. Alexander as the true gentleman, has given Lena the jacket and, having taken for a hand, has led to the machine... That the present conqueror means!