Psychology married couples husband and wife divorce bustup of a marriage marital separation split-up
Why people divorce?
The reason of disintegration of the majority of marriages is the boredom, the American scientists from university of Michigan have established. Throughout number of years they interrogated Americans about they test what feelings in the marriage, and analyzed this data with psychological climates in family.picture by Hammer51012 (c) flickr
Having interrogated 124 married couples, researchers at last have found out, why the husband and the wife start to hate silently each other after several years of joint life. Thus in interrogation participated white and afro-american steams consisting of the husband and the wife of one race, for the first time consisting in legal marriage.
It has appeared that the main enemy of happy families is the boredom. This feeling negatively influences degree of trust and affinity of spouses, leading to conflicts. "If in relations there is no boredom, spouses much is more close to each other, and it leads to what even in many years people remain are satisfied by the marriage", – the American scientists ascertained.
As it has appeared, those steams that missed with each other on the seventh year of marriage, in nine years at all didn't test any pleasure from joint life.
It is necessary to notice that British scientists engaged in similar researches a little have established earlier that to the man enough eight seconds to fall in love. The true love lasts no more than 3 years and represents certain insanity.
Curious way to save family relations have offered the citizens of the power of one of Malaysian states. They have started the project under the name "Second honeymoon", having given intended to divorce to spouses possibility to spend three days and two nights on one of exotic resorts.